Shipping & Refills
Do I have to sign for delivery?
In most cases, you do not need to sign for delivery and do not need to be home. If you are receiving any controlled medications, however, you will need to sign for the delivery.
Shipping & Refills
In most cases, you do not need to sign for delivery and do not need to be home. If you are receiving any controlled medications, however, you will need to sign for the delivery.
Shipping & Refills
Depending on your location, we deliver MedBox directly to your door via local courier, FedEx, USPS, or UPS. We follow manufacturer standards for shipping to ensure your medications are handled properly. We also accommodate your...
Shipping & Refills
Refilling your MedBox is quick and easy, and only requires you to follow four simple steps. To refill your MedBox, follow the instructions in the video below. The steps to refill your MedBox are also outlined in the text below ...