
Do I have to leave my current pharmacy?

Yes, but we will handle all the legwork, such as contacting your old pharmacy and transferring your prescriptions over to MedBox. We make every effort to ensure the transition is as smooth and effortless as possible. It’s also a good idea to notify your doctors that MedBox is your new pharmacy and to send future prescriptions directly to us, since sometimes pharmacies respond more quickly when contacted directly by the patient.


What are your business hours?

MedBox offers 24/7/365 support. To reach us, just use our contact form, or call us at (866) 386-1964. 

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How do I receive as-needed medications?

If you have medication you take as needed, we’ll wait until you tell us you’re ready for a refill to send them. As-needed medications will come in a pill bottle for your convenience, separate from your regular MedBo...

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